1. Open XD

  2. Create a new file with the dimentions of 1080px by 1080px

  3. Create a square with the dimensions of 300px by 300px, no border, and fill color of #EEAB96

  4. Place this square at X600 and Y150

  5. Create another square on top with the dimensions of 600px by 600px, no border, and fill color of #B4DEE5

  6. Now place this square at X150 and Y250

  7. Create a line on top with the width at 555px and the height at 600px, give it a round cap and set the color to #19265A

  8. Coordinates for this element will be at X240 and Y300

  9. Go to File, then Export, and export all artboards - save as PNG for Design

  10. Send to me at nau@masonlive.gmu.edu

    1. Original


